Jan 20, 2017

LPWAN and IoT Security

LoRa (Long Range Radio Wide Area Network), Sigfox, NB-IoT, LTE-M, … are acronyms that come often in exchanges about IoT projects. Other networks such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth or Zigbee are also used for IoT projects, along with traditional mobile communication networks, GPRS, 3G, 4G and soon 5G.

These networks all fall under the LPWAN concept: Low-Power Wide-Area Networks (LPWAN) have been specially specified and developed to fit with IoT requirements. They are widely accessible, can support devices that are permanently connected but are good at transporting small amounts of information only, which means they can provide a good coverage with a limited number of base stations. LPWANs do not target high throughputs but high availability.

Several vendors or associations have specified LPWANs, based on different technological requirements. For many projects during the last few months, we already witnessed a battle between the different LPWAN developers and supporters. No doubt will keep raging on in 2017! Each LPWAN standard has its own set of functionalities and some of them are more or less deployed depending on locations around the world.

What most of LPWANs have in common is the fact that they were developed having high availability, low thoughput, and ease of deployment as their core objectives.

By now, you have probably noticed that security is not part of the initial specification!

Trusted Objects is bringing solutions for LPWAN security, because security is an end-to-end concern that can only be achieved when secure devices are connected to a secure server over a secure network. Trusted Objects solutions build upon the presence of a Secure Element in the LPWAN modem to provide security at the same level as banking cards or identity cards. Technology is there, cost is affordable, so why should we wait ?

About this blog…


Trusted Objects team members have a long experience in the smart security industry, and are reacting to industry trends & news.